Informationen Mangird

Mangird wurde von einer Handvoll junger Ingenieure gegründet, die sich für Musik und hochauflösende Audiogeräte begeistern. Das Mangird-Team kombinierte sein Wissen in Elektrotechnik und Studio-Audioausrüstung und hat seitdem zahlreiche professionelle In-Ear-Monitore produziert, die weltweit für Aufsehen gesorgt haben. Dazu gehören der Xenns UP, der die neueste Treibertechnologie mit einer leistungsstarken Abstimmung kombinierte, und der Tea, der für seine präzise ausgewogene Signatur beliebt war. Das Mangird-Team legt Wert darauf, jedes seiner Geräte in kleinen Chargen von Hand herzustellen, um höchste Qualitätssicherung und einen maßgeschneiderten Charakter zu gewährleisten. Machen Sie mit Mangird jeden Song zu Ihrem eigenen.

Das Beste, aber noch besser

Der originale Mangird Tea war sofort ein weltweiter Erfolg und seine Fans lobten seine natürliche Abstimmung. Der Tea war einer der ersten IEMs, die eine studioneutrale Abstimmung nutzten, die sich auf flache Mitten, präzise abgestimmte Subbass-Effekte und natürliche Höhen konzentrierte. Kopfhörertreiber sind aufgrund ihrer akustischen Eigenschaften normalerweise nicht dafür ausgelegt, diese Art von neutraler Referenzabstimmung zu liefern, aber die Technik von Mangird erwies sich als mehr als fähig, die natürlichen Klangeigenschaften von Kopfhörertreibern zu manipulieren, um einen Studiomonitor-Sound in einem IEM zu erzielen. Mit derselben Strategie hat das Mangird-Team daran gearbeitet, den Nachfolger des originalen Tea zu entwickeln, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Verbesserung der technischen Leistung, einer noch ausgewogeneren Abstimmung und einer Erhöhung der Basswirkung lag.

Der Xenns Mangird Tea2 verfügt über den flachen Mitteltonbereich des originalen Tea mit einem präzise abgestimmten Subbass-Effekt, der 40 % stärker, aber genauso sauber ist, um einen unverfälschten Klang zu erhalten. Dies wurde durch die Verwendung der nächsten Generation europäischer dynamischer Treiber erreicht, die die Membranspannung erheblich erhöhen, um eine höhere Auflösung im Bass zu ermöglichen. Die Zusammensetzung der Balanced-Armature-Treiber wurde ebenfalls aktualisiert. Jetzt werden zwei Low-End-Treiber der Sonion 2600-Serie verwendet, um eine Synergie zwischen den BA- und DD-Treibern zu erreichen und die Bassstruktur zu verbessern. Der flache Mitteltonbereich wurde durch die Einführung zweier neuer Treiber der Sonion 2300-Serie erreicht, die sich auf neutrale Grundfrequenzen konzentrieren. Ein umfassendes passives Crossover-Netzwerk integriert die Kernbereiche jedes Treibertyps, um die perfekte Balance zwischen Abstimmung und niedrigen harmonischen Verzerrungswerten zu erzielen. Schließlich hat Mangird auf die audiophile Community gehört, die oft auf den Mangel an Höhendetails des originalen Tea hingewiesen hat. Um dieses Problem zu lösen, wurden zwei Knowles 33518 Superhochtöner verwendet, deren Spannungen an die der übrigen Treiber angepasst wurden, um die Höhen zu erweitern. Während die Höhen des ursprünglichen Tea als weich beschrieben wurden, verbessert der Tea MKII die Höhenausgabe und -definition erheblich, verbessert die Detailwiedergabe und sorgt für eine ausgezeichnete luftige Atmosphäre – und das alles bei Beibehaltung einer natürlichen Klangbalance.

Handgefertigte Schönheit

Jede Xenns Mangird Tea2-Einheit wird in Handarbeit aus medizinischem Harz aus Deutschland hergestellt, das sorgfältig UV-gehärtet wird. Durch diesen Prozess entsteht eine extrem haltbare Hülle, die zudem hautverträglich ist. Auch die Frontplatte wird von Hand gefertigt, sodass jede IEM-Einheit einzigartig und für jeden Benutzer maßgeschneidert ist.

Benutzerdefiniertes Kabel aktualisieren

Der Xenns Mangird Tea2 wird standardmäßig mit einem aktualisierten 6N OCC Litzenkabel geliefert, das optimiert wurde, um eine feinere Transparenz im Klang zu liefern. Der 2-polige Stecker bedeutet, dass der Benutzer das Kabel einfach austauschen kann, um den Klang zu mischen und anzupassen, sowie die Lebensdauer des IEM verlängern kann, ohne sich um Schäden am Kabel sorgen zu müssen.

Technical Details

± 18Ω
Frequency response range
Inside the Box
  • 1 x Xenns Mangird Tee2
  • User Manual

30-Day Return Policy

You may return any non-customized product that is still factory sealed, within 30 days upon receiving it. For items that are damaged, incorrect, or faulty upon delivery, Linsoul will assess the issue and provide a solution accordingly.

1 Year Warranty

Most products within our store come with a 1 year warranty. Please check our terms of service to see more.

Processing Time

This product is in Pre-order period. Pre-orders are provided for items that have not reached us and will take some time to be shipped out.

Pre-order Period: 7 working days during sale period


  • No cancellation of orders once ordered.
  • All orders to be shipped out sequentially.

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Colin Kappel
Great Sound, Great Value!

I just love the Tea2! The bass is amazing without being to heavy and the amount of detail-retrieval.. omg. Mids, highs and soundstage also all really good. Of course, they handle electronic music or Hip Hop the best because of the great bass. But I also like to listen to a lot of other genres with them. The only little critique I have is that the connecters are a bit loose which nearly lead me to loosing the Tea2. So, always check when taking them out because you don't want to lose these masterpieces!

Ray Kump
These are insane!

After hating the sterile blessing 2. (Yes they are clear and crispy). These are a godsend. They have better soundstage and imaging than the B2. And the sound is so engaging. Any song I threw at it came alive. Bass is great and has a good thump, mids are clear and rich, trebles are crisp and clear (no sibilance). Honestly, these are an experience. And I HIGHLY recommend anyone to get them. If you want analytical listening get something else. These will have you stuck to your seat as you go through your library. Great job mangird!

Andrej Kruh

the iems are great

Perfect all day everyday IEMs

Just buy them already. If you're thinking about them and they're in your budget, just do it. You won't regret it one bit.

If you love getting the flattest response for "unaltered" listening ... don't buy these. But if you just want to get some IEMs to wear (even all-day if that's your thing) and enjoy music (or really anything else you're doing on a computer), definetly get them.

They are perfect for a worry-free experience. No comfort issues, very pleasant sound. Nothing I can complain about.

Kevin Vivas

Xenns Mangird Tea2

Hugh Choi
lotsa great things here.

the sound is phenomenal. the bad has enough rumble for me and with it flat down to 200 Hz I'm in heaven. I do wish the treble were a bit more open. I seem to be insensitive from 2-3k on. perfect for me would be to load them with est's instead on the Knowles BAs. but again that's me. the most amazing thing is I got them from China to Seattle Washington in THREE (3) days. I ordered something from Florida that took six. go figure. anyway if you're looking for a neutral iem with bass boost and a relaxed treble, run don't walk, these were made for you.

Buy these if you need a neutral sounding IEM in your collection

(All listening has been done with included small black tips, IKKO ITM03, Apple lightning DAC, Fiio K3/ K5, Tidal, Apple Music lossless)
Everything sounds natural; cymbals crashes are realistic and you the hear the texture and nuances in all the instruments. Vocals are natural and not recessed(no BA timbre in sight), which I’m a big fan of, listening to genres such as rock, metal and alternative. It sounds really cohesive, almost like single dynamic drivers(every frequency is reproduced clearly) and has the better mids than Hifiman Sundaras. These can also play pop and electronic, no problem, just about every genre does fine. Midbass may be lacking for those genres though. Bass is fairly clean, with a slight subass boost. Does have below average punch and slam though(BA like), maybe due to crossover which makes the DD handle more subass rather than midbass. Changing to thicker core, small bore tips may help. EQing does not seem to fix this(this is no planar). However, EQing in more subass does make these quite interesting to listen to(River- Solo, Rich Brian- Kids, 40-50hz rumble.).

Treble is perfect for me. A bit darker, which prevents any sibilance(I’m treble sensitive) while being able to recreating the whole sound spectrum, adding to the cohesiveness of the sound. This means that these will not sparkle(maybe EQ can help)

Technicals are also really good, having excellent instrument separation and transients, complemented by its good imaging. Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” sounded brilliant on these; the intro footsteps are accurately portrayed and each instrument is distinct with its own placement in the sound field. Music never seems to get bloated, even on busier tracks. Soundstage, however I’d rather below average(worse than Starfields), but some may prefer this more intimate presentation, which I do in some cases. IMO, having large soundstage usually makes every sound recessed and makes vocals sound distant, at least on cheaper sets.

Power requirements are perfectly suited for portable use. It is very efficient and does not require much power to get loud, even when used with Apple’s lightning dongle(typical of BA drivers). This may play to its detriment though, when used with beefier desktop amps less ideal SNRs. When connected to my Fiio K5’s these manifested noticeable hiss. But once again, using an amp of this caliber is not required.

The build is excellent, gorgeous finish on the faceplate with no visible defects. Resin shell transitions perfectly to metal nozzle, with no glue in sight, which brings me on to fit. While researching online, I found that the nozzle was on the larger side and worried that it wouldn’t fit well with my small ear canals. Nozzle, later measured with caliper was 5.40mm and 6.30mm at the lip. I was pleasantly surprised when I got these, as these fit like a glove in my ears(with the included small black ear tips). These ear tips are smaller than those you would get with your average IEMs and allowed me to get deep insertion, which does a great job at isolating noise. It sits pretty flush with my ears and fills most of my concha. The flange on the rear on the IEM also helps to lock in a very secure fit. Removing them are a bit more difficult due to the reasons stated above. The shells are rather big, fitting medium sized ears just right, steer clear if you have small ears. I do feel some pain during extended use(3hours+) but that will probably go away after wearing them some more. Also helps that the shells are very lightweight.

Package accessories are good. The included ear tips are well made and the pleather case feels great too, with plenty of space for the IEM and a dongle DAC. The case seems to be the same as the ones you get with Tin IEMs, maybe Tin Hifi is their OEM for the IEM too? The previous Tea also seems to have an OEM’s faceplate design. Not too sure about this though.

Now for the bad part; the cable. The silver-coated cable looks and feels great from the outside, with a decent suppleness and a good curvature, hugging my ears nicely. It stays put, using Super* Review’s roadie wrap method. However, trouble arises when you try to disconnect it from the IEM body. The 2 male pins are noticeable larger than the average 2 pin connector, leading to an extremely tight fit. I bend the pins, trying to remove it(was able to straighten afterwards). I would highly recommend not tampering with the cable and keeping it as is.


Fantastically tuned, neutral with slight subass emphasis and non offensive treble. Cohesive throughout the FR and can play just about every genre.
Good imaging.
Beautiful build and finish.
Good fit for medium+ sized ears.
Very noise isolating if the above is achieved.
Nice selection of ear tips, nice carrying case, containing foam tips.
Can be somewhat EQ’ed

Cable needs to be removed carefully due to tight fit.
Soundstage is not the best for this price category but acceptable for an IEM.
Limited tip selection du...

Good sound

Good sound

Bassy, fun and beautiful

I have mine for a month now. I like listening to the current hip hop, r&b, pop and acoustic songs. The vocals are nicely forwars it feels like you’re “in” the stage or studio room where the person is singing, more forward than the Aria. Better bass than Blon03, bigger and clean bass. Better than Beoplay E8.

I love the instrument separation, I can easily determine the strums of both acoustic and bass guitars, the slam of the drums were well emphasised by the sub-bass, the beat makes the song more lively but not fatiguing because its not bright. Because of the dark signature I can listen to it for hours. The fit is the most comfortable IEM yet that I own.

Good sound wayyyyy too much bass

Bass is out of control. Lacks definition, instead it’s a boomy sub bass sound. The mid is a strong suite since it sounds full. The treble has some BA timbre on sharp S sounds. Hard to reccommend when the timeless sounds better in terms of technicalities for a lower price.

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