Bodenkontrolle an Major Tom

Wie bei seinem älteren Bruder, dem Voyager 14, kam die Inspiration für einen günstigeren In-Ear-Monitor von unserem Bestreben, neue Maßstäbe für die Leistungsfähigkeit professioneller Ohrhörer zu setzen. Durch die Optimierung der Anzahl der Treiber auf drei Balanced Armatures haben wir die Kosten des Monitors effektiv gesenkt, aber die Klangintegrität des Voyager 14 beibehalten, indem wir dieselbe umfassende Crossover- und Tuning-Strategie verwendet haben. Der Voyager 3 wurde speziell für Musiker entwickelt und zielt sowohl auf brillante Technik als auch auf eine musikalische Abstimmung ab. Von einer neutralen Referenzabstimmung wurde die Mittellinie ganz leicht angehoben, um eine präsentere und ansprechendere Stimm- und Instrumentenpräsentation zu erreichen. Wir haben auch den Höhenbereich erweitert, um das Timbre und die Atmosphäre von Streich- und Schlaginstrumenten zu verbessern. Mit seiner Betonung auf klarer Stimm- und Instrumentenartikulation und einer Detailwiedergabe auf audiophilem Niveau haben wir den Voyager 3 zum idealen In-Ear-Monitor für die Bühne und den alltäglichen Genuss gemacht.

Eine perfekte Abdichtung für die perfekte Leistung

Wir begannen unsere Reise mit dem Verständnis, wie wichtig eine perfekte Passform für die Bühnenperformance ist. Um eine perfekte Abdichtung zu gewährleisten, haben wir die Reichweite des Stiels und der Basis verlängert, damit sie bequem in jedes Ohr passen. Durch die Analyse vieler menschlicher Ohrmuscheln haben wir die perfekten Konturen des Gehäusekörpers übernommen, damit er sich an die äußere Ohrhöhle schmiegt. Die Schalenhöhle besteht aus medizinischem Acrylharz, um sowohl Komfort als auch Sicherheit zu gewährleisten. Unser Design erzeugt effektiv bis zu 32 dB Geräuschisolierung und ist sowohl für die Bühne als auch für den geschäftigen täglichen Arbeitsweg perfekt geeignet.

Soundkomponenten für besseren Klang

Wir haben zwei der in Amerika hergestellten Knowles CI-22955 Balanced Armature-Treiber ausgewählt, um den Bass und die Mittellinie unabhängig voneinander in einem Dreiwege-Crossover-System abzudecken, das einen Tiefpass- und einen Mittelpassfilter verwendet. Der CI-22955 ist einer der größten Balanced Armature-Treiber mit Einzeltreiber, die Knowles anbietet, und sein breiter Frequenzbereich ist perfekt für den Einsatz im Tief-Mittelbereich. Unser Tiefpassfilter konzentriert die gesamte Energie des 22955 auf die Erzeugung tiefer, druckvoller und druckvoller Bässe, während der zweite 22955-Treiber die Mittellinie frei antreiben kann. Durch die separate Integration zweier gleicher Treibermodelle für den Tief- und Mittelbereich haben wir eine äußerst kohärente Tief-Mittelbereichsdarstellung erreicht, die zudem frei von Frequenzüberlappungen ist. Die Höhen werden vom Goldstandard Knowles ED-29869 Balanced Armature-Treiber verarbeitet und mit unserem Hochpassfilter abgestimmt, um seidige Höhen zu liefern, die das Schimmern der Instrumente ohne durchdringende oder schrille Obertöne hervorheben.

Technische Exzellenz trifft Benutzerpräferenz

Die drei Balanced-Armature-Treiber und ihre Dreiwege-Frequenzweiche sind mit zwei separaten Schallbohrungen am Schaft ausgestattet, um die deutliche Frequenztrennung des Systems noch weiter zu verbessern. Durch die Integration eines Tief- und Hochton-Abstimmungsschalters kann der Benutzer dann den Bass- und Höhenpegel an seine persönlichen musikalischen Vorlieben anpassen. Dieser Mechanismus ist derselbe wie beim Flaggschiffmodell Voyager 14 und ermöglicht bis zu vier verschiedene Abstimmungsimplementierungen, die jedem Benutzer gerecht werden. Das nennen wir Flexibilität!

Ultrareines austauschbares Kabel

Die letzte Komponente des Voyager 3 bestand darin, ein hochwertiges Kabel zu finden, das die perfekten Klangeigenschaften dieses Geräts liefert. Wir haben uns für ein ultrareines achtadriges, versilbertes OCC-Kupferkabel mit 2-poligem Anschluss entschieden. Das weiche Kabel ist sowohl für lange Bühnenauftritte als auch für Hörsessions bequem. Die Verwendung eines 2-poligen Anschlusses (der unserer Meinung nach eine längere Lebensdauer als Standard-MMCX-Anschlüsse hat) bedeutet auch, dass Sie das Kabel durch ein beliebiges anderes Kabel Ihrer Wahl ersetzen können, wodurch die Lebensdauer des Voyager 3 effektiv verlängert wird. Voyager 3, das ist Ihr Start in ein neues Abenteuer!

Technical Details

3 Knowles Balanced Amartures
Noise Cancellation
113dB at 1 kHz
14 ohm @ 1KHz
Frequency Response
20 Hz - 20 kHz
Recessed 0.78mm 2Pin
3.5mm Unbalanced Jack
Cable Length
1.2 m
Cable Material
8 Core Copper and Silver Tensil Mixed Wire
Net Weight
Included Accessories
Cable Metal Storage Case silicon tips(S.M.L)
Inside the Box
  • Thieaudio Voyager 3 IEM
  • Eartips
  • Cable
  • Carrying case

30-Day Return Policy

You may return any non-customized product that is still factory sealed, within 30 days upon receiving it. For items that are damaged, incorrect, or faulty upon delivery, Linsoul will assess the issue and provide a solution accordingly.

1 Year Warranty

Most products within our store come with a 1 year warranty. Please check our terms of service to see more.

Processing Time

This product is in Pre-order period. Pre-orders are provided for items that have not reached us and will take some time to be shipped out.

Pre-order Period: 7-15 days


  • No cancellation of orders once ordered.
  • All orders to be shipped out sequentially.

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
S Cope
Great Sound, Awful Service

The Voyager 3, or as I like to call them-the V3 sounds excellent. its has a good stage, accurate details, & a warm low end that has a good punch but never overwhelms. A very enjoyable IEM for listening to complex music, you will really be able to take in every detail.

So why not a 5 star? I mean they sound great right?

Well, there are two issues. The first is something other reviewers have mentioned, the QDC connectors are terrible. They are extremely fragile & prone to breakage. This is not good, but wouldn’t normally be a deal breaker. After all most companies are good with replacements.

However, most companies are not Linsoul Audio. The replacement process with this company is the single worst customer-service experience I have ever had. You will be asked for information you have already provided multiple times, you will be promised things will be sent out ‘this week’ but weeks later nothing will have happened, & you will be sent packages with only an apartment number & a post code- that of course do not arrive. It will take months, & there will be no progress & you will still not have a replacement item.

So, I can hardly recommend this item considering that there is a high chance your QDC connectors will have issues, & you will have to deal with the worst customer service team known to man, women or child. I regret not doing more research about this company on head-fi & other websites- but hopefully my warning can do some good.

I will be repeating this review on my head-fi, & perhaps also on my YouTube channel. So if it is deleted by Linsoul staff, it will still be there for the whole head-fi community as a warning. With an update regarding any censorship.

Hello there. Thank you for the feedback.

The colleague who was in charge had already left, and we sincerely apologise on her behalf for delaying the matter, only to have it resolved at the end of April.

However, we would also like to clarify some things which you have left out in your review.
1) The shipping address for the order number was not the one you provided. Hence, it seemed to suggest that you weren't the original buyer of our product. Warranty is actually non-transferrable, and you did not inform us that you weren't the original buyer, which took us a long time to confirm the shipping address.
2) However, despite all the hiccups, you still managed to receive a replacement unit.

We admit that this issue was poorly handled by that colleague. However, we have taken the responsibility on her behalf. Moving forward, we will strictly adhere to our policy:

Stiven Kostelac

ThieAudio Voyager 3

Can't wait to try thieaudio v14

Just excellent from thieaudio, details, extended treble, clean mids and light bass.

Iulian Ursache
Great sound. Issues with the QDC connection.

Discussing how great these IEMs sound has been covered already here and all over YouTube; I also believe that these are excellent from a sound standpoint.

However, the connection to the QDC cable is very fragile and not very well defined (smaller than that cable's receiving dimensions), at least mine are. Firstly, I continuously had problems with the IEM units falling off the provided cable. I was always afraid that I might lose them. After a while, the QDC connection part of the IEM units chipped, making even more prone to losing the headphones. If you think that I abused them, and that might be the reason, the answer is no; I used them 99% while seating on my couch.

So, I'm strongly recommending them if:
- you are collecting IEMs, and this one will stay in a box anyway
- you are ready to commit to one cable and glue that cable to the IEM units

I'm not recommending them if you want to use them on the go; their QDC connection is too fragile and prone to breakage.

My recommendation to ThieAudio is to change the rasin-based IEMs from QDC to simple 2-pin design.

Victor Chu
Beautiful sound and accurate sound!

Great sound stage. I've always liked a close sound stage like you are in a band. The sound stage is very accurate and right in front of you from left to right. I do not hear it from behind but I guess that is what the Voyager 14 is for. This is a decently musical IEM yet it is also very accurate. It does have good bass but of course it is BA bass. The fit is decent with the included tips and the cable is good. I use the smaller tips so they really go deep in to the ear which I find I get the best from these IEM. I've connected this to my Note 5, Note 9 and my Asus STX on PC. I find the dip switch best is starting left to right normal (Left) and up (Right). Also beautiful carry case that can fit everything inside plus a second IEM.. It does come with the dip switch tool which is really just a sim card tool.

I bought the Blon3 at the same time and I find them as a super value at $30 bucks but the Voyager 3 is more of a fuller sound more accurate and better sound stage which is what I prefer.
The Blon 3 are just a bit tinny and the Blon3 has trouble with some treble voices otherwise for the price I paid is fantastic. But they are not better than the Voyager 3.

Also just ordered the Legacy 3 for the Bass.. You can never have enough IEM's. just like any other hobby including 2A rights!

Also to note the SF Shipping is not very accurate and it will get stuck in USA Customs for a long time. They will come but it is a long wait. At least a month and 1/2. Well worth it.

Excellent Detail In A Budget IEM

I have listened to the Voyager 3 for a few months now. I enjoy it greatly. Truly, if I had never heard ThieAudio's Legacy 3, it would be in a 2-way tie for my favorite $100-$200 iems. The sound signature is fairly customizable, and I can easily adjust it to get the sound that I enjoy most. The Legacy 3 trades-off the added detail the Voyager 3 provides for being exactly what I want out of the box without needing EQ. So while they are both loosely close in overall sound quality, the Legacy 3 is now my daily driver while the Voyager 3 is what I'd choose when I want to hear more detail and analyze audio rather than just enjoy listening. The other difference is that the bass has more authority and "slam" in the Legacy 3 while the Voyager 3 provides a cleaner and more accurate bass.

The other iem that this resembles in sound signature, (recall my earlier 2-way tie reference) is the Moondrop Kanas Pro which I still thoroughly enjoy but is sadly discontinued.

Yan Loon Cheng
Great set, lots of details.

Balanced sound with lots of details (both dip switches on). Has multiple sound profiles controlled by the 2 dip switches. Very soft cable with no microphonics.

Bore size is large, with the stock tips just fit my ears, tight seal, can feel that it's not vented so some pressure when inserting and removing (do both slowly!).

ionita catalin ciprian
This is an amazing pair of iem for the price, sound very natural and detailed.

They look nice, the cable is soft,good quality, nice water-resistant carrying case
My first sound impression with stock tips was disappointed, the sound was thin and harsh, with liitle bass and had a strange "reverb or wet like " sound and the dip switches didn't make much difference. I tried spinfit model cp155 and the sound was the same. After listening and switching a lot of types of eartips, i found a pair of MEMORY FOARM EARTIPS that REALY CHNGED THE SOUND. The eartip must be inserted deep on the nozzle so that the sound bores are close to the top of the eartip (this will help you get get rid of reflection inside the eartip)
With the memory foam eartip you will get an impressing full range sound, very detailed (almost as fiio fh7), very good instrument separation, nice soundstage (bigger in depth), a good bass response, the weird "reverb/wet like" sound and harshness disappear and the dip switches make noticeable difference. They are very tip-dependent
This item is very sensitive to hiss, but the good news is that you don't really need an amp for them, even if i see benefits of using one
They are also very sensitive to eq. So if you are a bass-head and like a thumpy bass you must eq them, the BA drivers are very capable. I use them now with both switches up and no eq.
I highly recommend this item for a clean, balanced, detailed and natural sound, i don't know what you can get better for this money, but beware of using the right eartips, they really make difference

Perfect for Stage Monitoring

The tuning on this set is absolutely perfect.
I think one of the best IEM's you can use for stage monitoring purposes.
All of the details are there, and the vocals are just so sweet.
Voyager 3 beats my Shure's out of the park any day.
Couldn't have chosen a better set for me.

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