The THIEAUDIO Hype 10 features innovative technology, including the IMPACT² subwoofer system and high-performance balanced armature drivers, to deliver exceptional sound quality. The sound signature is well-balanced with strong bass and clear trebles, making it ideal for music enthusiasts.
The 3rd Release of the HYPE Series
THIEAUDIO’s latest IMPACT² technological innovation
High Performance Import Balanced Armature Drivers
High-Grade Silver-Plated OCC Cable

Von einer namenlosen Gruppe von Heimwerkern zu einer der renommiertesten IEM-Marken der Welt: THIEAUDIO hat auf der Suche nach Hi-Fi-Audio eine unglaubliche Reise hinter sich. THIEAUDIO ist in audiophilen Communities auf der ganzen Welt zu einer festen Marke geworden und wird für seine erstklassigen Abstimmungen, hervorragenden technischen Leistungen und budgetfreundlichen Preise geliebt. Von Anfang an hat das THIEAUDIO-Team die Audioqualität in den Vordergrund jedes Projekts gestellt und wollte der Robin Hood der Audiowelt sein, indem es die am besten klingenden Audiolösungen zu den günstigsten Preisen anbietet. Seit seiner Einführung im Jahr 2019 hat THIEAUDIOs Erbe an In-Ear-Monitoren die Welt der IEMs für immer verändert und die Art und Weise beeinflusst, wie globale Hersteller von Ohrhörern ihre Produkte konstruieren. Das internationale Team von THIEAUDIO aus wenigen, aber engagierten Ingenieuren aus China und Südkorea hat sich verpflichtet, dieses Erbe fortzuführen, indem es innovative und dennoch erschwingliche Audiolösungen entwickelt, die Sie in Erstaunen versetzen werden.

THIEAUDIO freut sich, eine neue Produktreihe von IEMs der nächsten Generation vorstellen zu können: Hype (Hybrid Performance). Seit unserer Reise in die Welt des Hi-Fi-Audios haben wir viel erreicht und sind mit jedem neuen Projekt enorm gewachsen. Jede Produkteinführung hat uns gelehrt, wie wir besser klingende Audiolösungen entwickeln und neue Treibertypen entwickeln und nutzen können. Wir bündeln all unser erworbenes Wissen in der neuen Hype-Serie. Wie der Name schon sagt, wird die Hype-Serie mehrere Wandlertypen integrieren, die Innovationen auf diesem Gebiet am besten demonstrieren, um neue IEMs zusammenzustellen, die sowohl technisch als auch klanglich herausragend sind. Wir versprechen, dass die Hype-Serie ihrem Namen gerecht wird.

Einführung von IMPACT²
IMPACT 2 („Impact Squared“) ist die neueste technologische Innovation von THIEAUDIO, die die personalisierte Audiobranche verändern wird. IMPACT 2 ist eine neue Subwoofer-Lösung, die aus zwei 10-mm-Verbundmembrantreibern besteht, die in einem isobaren Design angeordnet sind. Das Hinzufügen eines weiteren 10-mm-Subwoofers verbessert die Kraft und Textur des Basses erheblich, während unser hauseigenes isobares Kammerdesign Frequenz und Druck konstant hält. Das bedeutet, dass Sie einen Bass in besserer Qualität genießen können, ohne die Klangintegrität zu beeinträchtigen.

Der Hype 10 verwendet echte Ultrahochtöner der Knowles SWFK 31736-Serie aus den USA sowie zwei Sonion E50DT-Mitteltöner und zwei Sonion 28UAP-Basstreiber aus Dänemark. Angeordnet in einer 4-Wege-Frequenzweiche mit 4 unabhängigen Schallkanälen verwendet der Hype 10 erstklassige Treiber, die mit Präzision für eine Hi-Fi-Audiowiedergabe entwickelt wurden. Die Ultrahochtöner ermöglichen eine Höhenerweiterung bis 40 kHz für eine luftige und hyperrealistische Atmosphäre im Klang. Darüber hinaus erzeugt die Kombination des E50DT mit dem SWFK 31736-Treiber einen perfekten Übergang und eine perfekte Kohärenz in den Mitten und Höhen mit klaren Details, Artikulation und Schichtung. Die 28UAP-Serie wurde aufgrund ihres Erfolgs in unseren Signature-Serienmodellen ausgewählt. Der Bass aus einer Konfiguration mit zwei 28UAP-Treibern erzeugt extrem schnelle Bassschläge und -abklingvorgänge, die sich mit dem tiefen und strukturierten Subbass des IMPACT2-Systems integrieren. Die Kombination dieser 10 Treiber in jedem Ohr erzeugt einen hochauflösenden Klang, der professionelle audiophile Lautsprecher imitieren soll.

Entwickelt für musikbegeisterte Audiophile
Der Hype 10 wurde von Grund auf speziell für Musikliebhaber und Audiophile entwickelt, die den fesselndsten und anspruchsvollsten Klang wünschen. Mit einem starken Subbass-Regal und klaren Höhen bringt der Hype 10 das tiefe Grollen und die funkelnden Details Ihrer Musik zum Vorschein. Mit einem Bass-Regal von fast 10 dB hat der Hype 10 in den Tiefen viel zu bieten. Der Bass wurde jedoch in typischer THIEAUDIO-Manier bis 300 Hz beibehalten, um eine unnatürliche Trübung der Gesamtklangbalance zu verhindern. Die Mitten von 300 Hz bis 1 kHz sind flach, um die natürliche Tonalität von Instrumenten und Gesang hervorzuheben. Die Höhen wurden im Einklang mit den Tiefen abgestimmt, um dem Gesamtklangbild vorsichtig etwas mehr Knackigkeit und Klarheit zu verleihen.

Maßgeschneidertes Audiophile-Kabel
Der Hype 10 wird standardmäßig mit einem hochwertigen versilberten OCC-Kabel geliefert. Dieses Upgrade des Kabelmaterials sorgt im Vergleich zur vorherigen Generation der Kabel von Thieaudio für etwas mehr Klarheit und Verfeinerung.
Technical Details
Frequency Response
- 1 x THIEAUDIO Hype 10
- User Manual
Processing Time
This product is in Pre-order period. Pre-orders are provided for items that have not reached us and will take some time to be shipped out.
3-5 working days
- No cancellation of orders once ordered.
- All orders to be shipped out sequentially.
Shipping Policy
Which countries do you ship to?
We currently only ship to countries within Europe. If you want to ship to other countries, please go to our main site, more details on available shipping methods, feel free to contact our team for further clarification.
We cannot ship to addresses that are "PO boxes or APO/FPO".We currently only ship to countries within Europe. If you want to ship to other countries, please go to our main site, more details on available shipping methods, feel free to contact our team for further clarification.
We cannot ship to addresses that are "PO boxes or APO/FPO".
How much does shipping cost?
We have two shipping methods - Standard Shipping and Express Shipping.
If your order is under 17 EUR, a 6 EUR shipping fee will apply for Standard Shipping.
If your order is between 17 EUR and 269.98 EUR, Standard Shipping is free.
If your order is under 269.99 EUR, a 22 EUR shipping fee will apply for Express Shipping.
If your order exceeds 269.99 EUR, Express Shipping is free.
*This applies for most European countries. However, large items such as headphones and desktop DAC/AMPs (e.g. HarmonicDyne G200, MUSICIAN MDP-2, and etc.) are excluded.
Shipping fees exclude import taxes or processing fees that may be applicable for your country. Linsoul is not responsible for such fees. Should you refuse to pay the tax/customs fees, shipping fees will still be deducted from the amount paid for the two-way freight charges. The cost of the freight charges may be more than the amount reflected on your order due to tax and other miscellaneous fees.
Some parcels claimed to be “returned to the seller” may be destroyed by the post office or customs officers when buyers refuse to accept their parcels or fail to pay for their taxes. No refund will be processed for such cases.
Standard Shipping via YunExpress is a tax-inclusive option for some countries. However, Linsoul will not be responsible for additional administrative or handling fees charged by your local courier company or customs. Please kindly check this with your local customs.
For certain remote areas, there may be additional charges via Express Shipping. We will contact you if there is a need to make additional payments. Please contact us before placing an order, should you have any queries regarding shipping.
How long does it take to receive the order after it is placed?
For in-stock products, your order will be shipped within 3 working days. You may check with our staff regarding the in-stock status of any products.
Customized items will take a longer time. Please contact our staff for more information.
On normal non-sale days, once your parcel has been shipped out:
- For Standard Shipping, it takes about 2-4 weeks for items to be delivered after shipping out. For some countries, it might take up to 2-3 months, depending on your country, its customs and other factors.* The duration for transit is something beyond our control. Linsoul will not be making refunds for such cases. Please consider an upgrade to Express Shipping or keep the waiting time in mind.
- For Express Shipping, it takes about 3-7 days for items to be delivered after shipping out.
*Note: Timings might be affected due to festive seasons or other unforeseen circumstances
What happens if the parcel has been shipped but not delivered?
First, kindly contact your local courier using the local tracking number.
If your parcel were to be in transit for at least 3 months, it may have been lost in transit.
For orders below $50USD, you may either opt for a one-time reshipment of parcel OR a full refund of the amount paid in cash via PayPal/Credit/Debit card.
For orders above $50USD, we will only process a 50% refund of your order paid in cash via PayPal/Credit/Debit card. Should there be any concern about Standard Shipping, you are encouraged to opt for DHL Express Shipping instead.
Customers are to bear the consequences and fees incurred, if the parcel was undelivered due to any of the following situation:
- Wrong address or phone number provided by recipient
- Recipient was uncontactable when courier company contacted
- Refusal to sign for the package by recipient
- Lost or damaged parcel because recipient opted for “no-signature delivery”
- Refusal to pay for the local tax/processing fee by recipient
- Refusal to provide supporting documents for custom clearance by recipient
Who will pay for the import tax/custom fees
Customers have to bear any form of custom/import/processing fees that are applicable for your parcel.
Should you be unwilling to pay for the fees and reject the delivery of the parcel, you will still have to pay for the shipping cost. Linsoul will only refund the amount of your order after deducting the two-way shipping fees incurred.
Customer Support
How do I get help for my order?
Cancellation or/and modification of orders can only be done manually via our staff, provided that our Warehouse Team has not processed your order.
As our Support Team might not be available during non-working days and weekends, please place your order wisely.
Should you really need to cancel or/and modify your order after purchase, please contact us via our support email ( or website chat. We will help you with the changes if that could be done.
In general, upon receiving your parcel, please confirm the contents of the package and ensure that the package is in good condition before signing for it. All customers are strongly advised to take an unboxing video of their parcel and packaging when opening their parcels and products.
For faulty/missing items, please send an email to for after-sale services. The following details are required.
- Send an email to with an appropriate Subject Title
- Provide your order number and state the issue clearly
- Attach photos and videos to show that your product is faulty/missing. Shipping details on the parcel packaging have to be clearly visible.
If the photos/videos provided are insufficient to prove the stated issue, we will enquire more. Once the issue has been confirmed, we will arrange for a replacement, partial refund or a full refund (where applicable). For incorrect products, Linsoul reserves all rights in deciding whether you need to return the incorrect item or not. Please kindly contact us via email first. Our team aims to review your email within 3 working days.
For other queries, the fastest way to contact us is via our website or Discord
Linsoul Audio will not be responsible for parcels that have been damaged during the transit process.
Do I get tracking details for my order?
After placing an order, you will receive the order confirmation email. After your order has been shipped out, you will also receive a tracking email. You can track your order via the tracking number online. Should you not have received the emails or face any difficulties tracking your order, please kindly contact us for support.
For more than 1 orders placed under the same account and shipping address, Linsoul will automatically combine the orders and ship them out via one tracking number. Should you have special requests to have the orders shipped separately, please kindly contact us via Discord or our website's chat. We will do our best to help.
What shipping companies do you use?
We collaborate with these courier companies:
- Standard Shipping: 4PX, UBI, NinjaVan, and Yun Express
- Express Shipping: DHL Express, FedEx and SF Express