Neue Generation KZ-AS16 PRO

Den Klassiker fortsetzen, den Klassiker übertreffen. Nach 4 Jahren hat der AS16, der hohe Verkaufszahlen und einen guten Ruf vereint, eine umfassende Transformation durchlaufen. Durch Big-Data-Ohrmuschel-Sampling erreicht der passive Geräuschunterdrückungseffekt bei gutem Tragegefühl mehr als 26 dB.

Hohe Preisbarriere durchbrechen

Promoter von HiFi-IEMs für Musikliebhaber. Fortsetzung der Mission des „Preisschmugglers“ AS16. Respekt für Benutzer und Musik. Brechen Sie mit der Routine und wagen Sie Innovationen. Anders als herkömmliche Ohrhörer verfügt AS16 PRO über eine integrierte Niederfrequenzeinheit, die aus zwei 22955 BA besteht und die doppelte Energieabgabe bietet.

8 BA-Einheiten auf jeder Seite, Konfiguration auf Flaggschiff-Niveau

Die Kombination aus 8 BA deckt den kompletten Klangbereich von niedrigen, mittleren und hohen Frequenzen ab und der gesamte Frequenzgangbereich reicht von 20 Hz bis 40.000 Hz, was zu schockierenden Klangeffekten führt. 31736 Hochfrequenz-BA * 4, mit starker Auflösung und guter Erweiterung. 29689 Mittelfrequenz-BA * 2, lässt Gesang und Instrumente klarer klingen. 22955 Niederfrequenz-BA * 1, bringt sanfte niedrige Frequenzen mit guter dynamischer Leistung.

Dreikanalige professionelle Kanalstruktur, anspruchsvolle elektronische Frequenzteilung

Durch umfassenden und genauen Luftstrom und Durchfluss jedes Kanals, mithilfe moderner 3D-Druck-Industrietechnologie, wird das Ziel erreicht, einen hochkonsistenten und zuverlässigen Klang präzise zu liefern. Die Tri-Band-Verbindung ist glatt und hell. Standardmäßiges Dreiwegedesign, berechnet die Frequenzverbindung jedes Balanced Armature genau.

Fortschrittliches Metall-Inlay-Harz-Verfahren

Umfassende Weiterentwicklung ästhetischer Gene. Die Kombination aus Diamantschneidelementen und Metall-Kunststoff-Laminierungstechnologie schafft ein doppeltes Fest aus Textur und Aussehen.

Hochreines, geflochtenes, versilbertes Kabel mit 2-poligem, austauschbarem Schnittstellendesign

Die Oberfläche des hochreinen OFC-Kerns ist mit einer Silberbeschichtung überzogen, die den Widerstandswert effektiv senkt und den Signalübertragungsverlust verringert. Verwenden Sie die auf dem Markt weithin anerkannte 2-Pin-Schnittstelle, um die Spielbarkeit des AS16 PRO zu verbessern.

Technical Details

Product model
Pin Type
Plug Type
Headphone type
Cable Length
Inside the Box
  • 1 x KZ AS16 Pro
  • User Manual

30-Day Return Policy

You may return any non-customized product that is still factory sealed, within 30 days upon receiving it. For items that are damaged, incorrect, or faulty upon delivery, Linsoul will assess the issue and provide a solution accordingly.

1 Year Warranty

Most products within our store come with a 1 year warranty. Please check our terms of service to see more.

Processing Time

This product is in Pre-order period. Pre-orders are provided for items that have not reached us and will take some time to be shipped out.

Pre-order Period: 7 working days during sale


  • No cancellation of orders once ordered.
  • All orders to be shipped out sequentially.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Jesse Van Akkeren
Horrible sound due to (doa) cable problem (I hope....), second purchase with a problem.

Some years ago a friend of mine and fellow band member ordered 2 other KZ’s for use with our IEM system. They sounded a bit to bright in my opinion, particularly on one side but I thought it was our mix. Unfortunately COVID came along so we didn’t play much. Some months ago I found out that the bass driver of one of the in ears didnt work which turned out to be the reason. I ordered KZ AS16 Pro this time. But these sounded horrible on most occasion. Turns out to be a cable or jack problem (the cable of my old KZ’s sounded OK). Mailed Linsoul about it, now i have to make a video demonstrating the problem. I will but second time i am disappointed. Used to brag about price/quality yo othe musicians but will not again.

Hi there,

We are very sorry for the bad experience and inconvenience.

If there is any problem, please remember to contact us immediately. If the manufacturer can see the problem through the video, we will make targeted reissue/repair. In view of your situation, we have made a replacement and we hope this time will not let you down!

If there are any other questions, please feel free to let us know.

Have a nice day!

Kyle Davis
This could have been a contender...

Musically these are very well done: the detail retrieval, while not exceptional, is absolutely fine for the price tag. Soundstage is also above average the overall sound is very nicely balanced - the piercing treble I've experienced with other KZ units is non-existent. The clarity in the mids is the highlight for me and the forward presence in the vocals is not as bothersome as other reviews elsewhere have idenitifed. All in all this is a very competent set that KZ needed to release to catch some redemption and prove they can do more than a wash, rise, repeat of V shaped units. Some have complained about fit, and while the shells are quite heavy, I was not bothered by how they sat on my ear. I am inclined to agree with other reviewers asserting this is a major addition to the sub $100 bracket.

But here's a MAJOR drawback that totally nullifies the above and why I may never pick these up again. There is no port on the AS16Pro. The build up in pressure gave me ear pain and an ensuing nagging headache after maybe 30 mins of use. What a tremendous disappointment and painful (literally) oversight by KZ. Such a shame. I wouldn't recommend these on that basis.

A star in the night but a IEM king on earth?

KZ had 4 years to revamp any part of the IEM to further improve the sound signature and good to see they make it ultra-affordable for what has been offered. YouTube video placeholder

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