3 Balanced Armatures-Ohrhörer

Die KZ AS06-Ohrhörer haben 3 Balanced Armatures. Sie haben einen Treiber für mittlere bis hohe Frequenzen, 2 Treiber für mittlere Frequenzen und 3 Treiber für Bässe. Der angepasste Ultratieffrequenztreiber Nr. 22955 ist elastischer als ein dynamischer Treiber. Mit dieser Konfiguration zeichnet sich dieses Modell durch einen detailreichen, reinen und kraftvollen Bass aus.

Exquisites Design

Dieses Modell verwendet 3D-Drucktechnologie für die interne Akustikstruktur. Die angepasste Form kann außerdem Geräusche effektiv reduzieren.

Ergonomische Ohrhörer

Die Ohrhörer verfügen über eine spezielle Aussparung, die ein langes Tragen ermöglicht, ohne dass Sie befürchten müssen, dass sie herausfallen. Sie können das Kabel auch um Ihr Ohr herum formen, um einen sicheren Sitz zu gewährleisten.

Abnehmbares 2-poliges Kabel

Es wird mit einem hochwertigen 2-poligen Kabel geliefert. Es ist zug-, korrosions- und knickfest. Das Kabel ist von hoher Qualität und reduziert Klangverzerrungen bei der Signalübertragung.

Technical Details

Product Name
KZ AS06 In-ear Earphone
Earphone sensitivity
Frequency range
Plug Type
L curved
Black, Cyan
Whether with cable
Earphone interface
0.75mm 2 Pin
Whether with mic
Detachable cable
Driver unit
3 Balanced Armatures Per Side
Inside the Box
  • 1 x KZ AS06
  • User Manual

30-Day Return Policy

You may return any non-customized product that is still factory sealed, within 30 days upon receiving it. For items that are damaged, incorrect, or faulty upon delivery, Linsoul will assess the issue and provide a solution accordingly.

1 Year Warranty

Most products within our store come with a 1 year warranty. Please check our terms of service to see more.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

I tested this as06 against timeless and ikko oh10 and i liked as06 better but you need to eq it some /subbass up and midbass down It answers to eq very nice. I found oh10 muddy and low resolution in middle range, timeless was too sharp fatiguing treble... as06 has good balance

Hidden Treasure :)

AS06 is the most interesting thing KZ did. This IEM is so cheap but sound quality is actually comparable to 200$+ sets. 3 ba drivers (bass-mid-high) Driver config was simple because no dinamic driver inside and amount of BA driver is only 3 so the tuning was soo succesful and easy. the result was unbeliveably good so much that they were not sure to continue to produce it because PRICE/PERFORMANCE wise the product is overly good for the market and rival IEMs. The poeple who bought this set was lucky. It only has 1 problem though, midbass is a little bit too much but it can be easly fixed with eq. Also the cable is too thin and its not easy to find 0.75mm b pin cables...

Massive soundstage, holographic audio feel, top notch stereo imaging, high clarity, good bass(little bit meh on subs), detailed mids, non fatiguing airy nice treble. Very coherent sound from lows to highs. Amazing sound quality...
Also very comfortable on ears. No sharp edges, smooth curves

A Gem Not Many Know About

These have 3 BA drivers, including the great 29689, and no DD to muddy the sound.
The bass punches through, the mids are clear and open, the treble is just right.
Clarity and soundstage are the stars here, with good instrument separation. Good luck finding another all-BA IEM at this price.
IEM audiophile since 2014.

Marlou Groenewald
Absolutely fantastic

These are absolutely great in ear monitors. Warm, deep bass and crisp, clear tops!

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