Budget-King mit hoher Klangqualität

Der Klang des TinHiFi T2 In-Ear ist rein. Er hat eine gute Balance zwischen hohen und niedrigen Frequenzen. Der Ton ist weder zu hell noch zu dunkel. Er ist weich. Die Hochfrequenzerweiterung ist gut, zart und geschmeidig. Die tiefen Töne tauchen tief ein, voller Elastizität und Intensität, ohne dass sich die Töne langsam anfühlen.

Abnehmbares 2-poliges Kabel

Der Kopfhörer hat ein abnehmbares Design. Der Hauptkörper ist mit einem 5N 8-adrigen versilberten Kabel ausgestattet. Da das weiche und geschmeidige Material verwendet wird, ist die Handhabung gut, und es besteht keine Sorge, dass sich das Kabel danach verdreht. Es gewährleistet Haltbarkeit auch bei ultraleichtem Gewicht und hält langfristigem Gebrauch stand.

Exquisites Design.

Die Schale besteht aus Metall und vermittelt ein Gefühl von Luxus. Das Kanaldesign kann Geräusche perfekt ausblenden. Machen Sie sich keine Sorgen mehr über Lärm und genießen Sie stattdessen tiefen und satten Klang. Im Lieferumfang sind Ohrstöpsel in drei verschiedenen Größen enthalten. Es passt perfekt in Ihr Ohr

Angenehmes Tragegefühl.

Wir alle lieben unsere Musik so sehr, dass wir unsere persönlichen audiophilen Ohrhörer über längere Zeiträume verwenden. Beim Tin HiFi T2 verursacht das Metallgehäuse keine allergischen Reaktionen an Ihren Ohren, da es vollständig hypoallergen ist. Außerdem haben wir sichergestellt, dass der ausgewogene Klang mit Betonung der oberen Frequenzen auch bei längerem Tragen nicht ermüdend ist, sodass Sie Ihre Musik jederzeit und überall genießen können.

    Technical Details

    Drive unit
    Dynamic 10MM woofer + 6MM Tweeter (2DD drive unit)
    Earphone type
    Earphone sensitivity
    Frequency range
    Plug interface
    3.5mm Gilded
    Cable Length
    1.25 5N oxygen free copper plating silver
    Earphone interface
    0.78mm 2-pin
    Whether with mic
    Inside the Box
    • 1 x TinHiFi T2
    • User Manual

    30-Day Return Policy

    You may return any non-customized product that is still factory sealed, within 30 days upon receiving it. For items that are damaged, incorrect, or faulty upon delivery, Linsoul will assess the issue and provide a solution accordingly.

    1 Year Warranty

    Most products within our store come with a 1 year warranty. Please check our terms of service to see more.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 33 reviews

    They're perfect, very comfortable, very beautiful packaging, definitely worth the money. The sound is worth for the money. I'm very satisfied

    Good Overall

    The sound is pretty good overall. The bass is a little lacking but I knew this prior to my purchase. I will say the sound is definitely contingent on having a good seal. It makes all the difference in the world. For the price I paid I am very please with my purchase

    Márton Miskolczi
    I love it!

    Nice, neutral and detailed sound.

    Good sound, but not perfect size-wise

    I like them, but there are a couple of things. I found the only tips that seem to fit properly for me were the foam ones. I also swapped the drivers (but not the cable) side-to-side so they were the other way up as the "right" way up they don't fit well (yes, I know that means I have inverted the phase of both channels). I'd still recommend them though.

    Gabriel Katerzabek

    Perfect wired earbuds, nice flat sound, neutral sound, nice design. Only drawback was eartips not hold properly in ears. I fixed this using CX300 II ear tips. I like These earbuds quite much :)

    Morten Johnsen

    TinHiFi T2

    Otto K.
    Budget Banger

    The sound is superb for that price, but the comfort lacks behind a bit.

    Tylor Burnette
    Left Channel was quieter then the right after a month of use.

    Worked great, Very well packaged, Tons of ear sizes, Cable seems very nice for a starter IEM. Absolutely LOVED these until today the left channel was so quiet I thought my ear was filled with JB Weld..... I had to take the right side out to verify it was even working. I swapped drivers side to side to verify it wasn't a cable issue. These were COMPLETELY stock, no mods, well cleaned and maintained, and as I previously stated LOVED these and everything about them from the day of unpackaging until today... and left completely disappointed and cant decide if its worth the gamble to try another pair. :(

    Ionut Alin Balan

    TinHiFi T2

    Norm Blais
    very good, I really enjoy these

    First off I have to say I have never been a really big IEM fan cause I have odd shaped ear canals, so the buds have always tended to pop out, but they were gas station/wired ones, so dirt cheap, thats why I have mostly used over ear headphones, but I wanted to get proper IEMs and based off of a few reviewers I bought two this one and the Mele. I have to say these are really good the wires are nice I really like the sturdy 3.5 termination plug. The sound is quite well some music is better to listen to than others and I listen to just about everything except EDM or house. I think the female vocals are crsip and clear, ( Aurora, Runaway ) male vocals are good, the base is really good on rock and thumps on rap, classical music and movie sound tracks are amazing like Davy Jones from POTC is superb, for under $50 these are well worth it, and if you have a good dongle or dac to boost them up they are even better I would recommend them one thing I wish they had were more of the foam ear tips at least one small med and large I think I need small thats my only negative but not enough to knock off a star for it.

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