Co-Branding-IEM von Reecho und Peacock Audio

Inspiriert vom Klang der Natur und den vier Jahreszeiten haben Reecho und Peacock gemeinsam diesen wunderbaren HiFi-In-Ear-Monitor entwickelt, der mit seiner wunderschönen handgefertigten Chinoiserie-Höhle und seiner herausragenden Leistung den Markt begeistert. Schauen Sie sich ihn an, die erfrischende Farbe und die auffällige Zeichentechnik sprechen für sich selbst, ein Kunstwerk

Professioneller 2DD+1BA Dreifachtreiber

Ausgestattet mit dem von Reecho selbst entwickelten 8-mm-Dynamiktreiber mit Koaxialstruktur und dem BRC30095-Hochfrequenz-Balanced-Armature-System sowie dem unabhängigen Dynamiktreiber und dem Balanced-Armature-Design bietet dieses Modell eine unglaubliche Duktilität von 10 bis 20 kHz. Mit drei ausgewogenen Frequenzen abgestimmt, passt dieser Kopfhörer zu den meisten Musikstilen und Sie können ihn frei wählen.

Einzigartige Aluminium-Ringmembran

Dieses Modell verwendet einen speziellen dynamischen Treiber mit einer bahnbrechenden ringförmigen Aluminiummembran, die eine einfache Steuerung von Niederfrequenztransienten und eine bessere Auflösung ermöglicht. Mit der separaten Kavität nutzt der dynamische Treiber die Vorteile eines Koaxialtreibers, um ein breites Klangfeld zu erzeugen.

Unvergleichliche handgefertigte Handwerkskunst

Der Spring-Ohrhörer nutzt nicht nur die einzigartige Handbemalungstechnik von Peacock Audio, sondern ist auch mit dem hohen Standard des ergonomischen Designs von Reecho Audio ausgestattet, das auf mehr als 300 echten Gehörgangsdaten basiert, um ein überragendes Tragegefühl zu erreichen. Keine Schmerzen mehr, auch nach langem Tragen

Abnehmbares OFC 2-Pin-Kabel

Das Spring ist mit zwei verschiedenen Kabeltypen ausgestattet. Hier haben wir das Stone-Modell für Sie, das aus einem gemischten geflochtenen hochreinen OFC-Kabel und einem 26AWG OCC-Kabel besteht. Die 8-adrige Liz-Flechttechnik und der antioxidative Kupferstecker machen dieses Kabel zu einem hervorragenden Kabel für tiefe Bässe und hochauflösende Mitten

Technical Details

Dual Dynamic Driver + BRC30095 Balanced Armature
Reecho&Peacock Audio Spring
Cable Length
Inside the Box
  • -Earphone*1
  • -Storage box*1
  • Colombian eartips*8
  • -Memory foam eartips*4
  • -Reecho-AET07*6
  • -Low frequency plug*6

30-Day Return Policy

You may return any non-customized product that is still factory sealed, within 30 days upon receiving it. For items that are damaged, incorrect, or faulty upon delivery, Linsoul will assess the issue and provide a solution accordingly.

1 Year Warranty

Most products within our store come with a 1 year warranty. Please check our terms of service to see more.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Nathaniel Terdes
Satisfaction guaranteed

Awesome earphones and very good service

Pretty good

Balanced sound, not very good soundstage.
Extremely tip and fit dependent, longer foam tips seems to be working for me. More bass, less harshness. Very enjoyable now.

David Pastern
Reech & Peacock Spring review


gorgeous looking!
balanced and neutral sound


bland presentation that is non-musical (but accurate and detailed)
above average detail
average instrument placement in soundstage
soundstage not very wide, no real depth to it
VERY uncomfortable - instantly uncomfortable on insertion, even with the smallest tips. After half an hour, the pain becomes unbearable and I can no longer wear or use them.

These aren't bad sounding IEMs - if you want a really accurate and tonally balanced presentation, these will be perfect for you. If yout a bit of musicality and boogie factor, then look elsewhere. They are very attractive, and seem well built. I have smaller than average ear canals, so these are simply very uncomfortable for me with very short listening, and physically painful for anything longer. I suspect most people won't have any fit issues or experience pain when using them - this is simply unique to me and doesn't detract from their sound quality.

I'd recommend them, on the caveat that you enjoy their sound presentation and fit issues. For me, personally, they are unsuitable, but that's a reflection on my personal sound preferences and my ears.

Robert Bae

The IEM sounds very neutral, however the soundstage is poor. The bass is high quality with sub-Harmon quantity, the mids and highs are near reference. The imaging is a bit "blobby" The sound stage is narrow and layered.


I own many high end IEMs and other headphone and these out perform some of the most expensive IEMs. Amazing sound quality and build. I listened to them on my AK SE200 and wow is all I have to say. I though they were well balanced and very clear on the upper register. Bass is punchy but not boomy like the “fun” earphones. I prefer this sound because it is extremely clear and you can hear all the instrument within the soundstage. They were great as IEMs for live or recording studio use as well.

These need to be in more ears!

These look great but sound even better. id heard some rubbish about these sounding "tonally off" and "a thin sound"??? that is just not true I'm loving these still a month later!! it has fantastic punch and slap with transients that is what suprised me most it really can move some air , it does this whilst retaining a very balanced and greatly detailed sound. the best bit about these are the mids they are amazing slightly forward with everything separated really well and vocals sounding very intimate. the stereo image is honestly really good. these are an almost monitor type of iem that has truly exceeded all expectations!! I urge you to give them a try worth 250+ easy.

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