Elektret-Elektrostat-Treiber + Dynamischer Treiber + Balanced Armature

Während KZ ZEX mit einem Elektret-Elektrostaten- und einem dynamischen Treiber ausgestattet ist, haben wir für ZEX Pro einen weiteren 30095 Balanced Armature für hohe Frequenzen hinzugefügt, um den Stereoklang zu verbessern. Der Niederspannungs-Elektrostatentreiber ist weitaus stabiler und überlegener als Treiber derselben Spezifikation. Drei verschiedene Treibertypen sind vollständig integriert und werden durch eine präzise Abstimmung ergänzt, die den Klang der Natur sofort zum Leuchten bringt.

Frontplatte aus Zinklegierung + durchscheinende Harzschale

Im Einklang mit der bisherigen Ästhetik verfügt KZ ZEX Pro über eine Frontplatte aus Zinklegierung in Luftfahrtqualität, die mit importiertem, hautfreundlichem Harzhohlraum harmoniert. Das gemischte Material aus Metall und Harz bietet einen eleganten In-Ear-Monitor für jede Generation

Professionelles, abnehmbares, versenktes 2-poliges, versilbertes Flachkabel

Die versilberte Schicht verbessert die Hi-Res-Leistung und reduziert den Verlust während der Übertragung. Das neue Doppelleitungs-Parallelkabel hat eine geringere Impedanz, verhindert effektiv Verwindungen und reduziert das Ziehen, sodass es haltbarer ist und eine längere Nutzungsdauer hat. Die standardmäßigen vergoldeten 0,75-mm-Pin-Pins sind mit einer Vielzahl von 2-poligen Standard-Upgradekabeln kompatibel.

Ergonomische Form für bequemes Tragen

Wir wissen, dass der Tragekomfort bei den meisten In-Ear-Kopfhörern eine der wichtigsten Eigenschaften ist. Daher haben wir großen Wert darauf gelegt, Ihnen einen bequemen, sicher sitzenden und geräuschisolierenden Kopfhörer zu präsentieren, der außerdem ein erstaunliches Industriedesign und Schönheit aufweist. KZ ZEX Pro kann der Kopfhörer für unterwegs oder für den professionellen Einsatz sein.

Feinabstimmung, breite Klangbühne

Wie KZ ZEX profitiert auch KZ ZEX Pro von der hohen Klangdichte und der hochauflösenden Audioleistung des Elektrostaten und bietet eine bessere Stimmresonanz sowie eine lautere und klarere Klangleistung.


-Kurz drücken, um den Anruf anzunehmen/aufzulegen
-Kurz drücken zum Anhalten/Wiedergeben
-Lange drücken, um den Anruf abzulehnen
-Zweimal drücken, um zum nächsten Song zu gelangen
-Dreimal drücken, um zum vorherigen Song zu gelangen

Technical Details

Electrostatic driver + Dynamic driver+Balanced armature
Inside the Box
  • 1 x KZ ZEX PRO
  • User Manual

30-Day Return Policy

You may return any non-customized product that is still factory sealed, within 30 days upon receiving it. For items that are damaged, incorrect, or faulty upon delivery, Linsoul will assess the issue and provide a solution accordingly.

1 Year Warranty

Most products within our store come with a 1 year warranty. Please check our terms of service to see more.

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Poor QC on multiple units

I've had two pairs of KX x CRN (Zex Pro) IEMs now. First pair I lost most sound in one channel within a day or two of using them and the RMA'd set to replace them did the same within a few days as well. I don't run these at high power, just off normal sources I run other IEMs on so I have no clue what would be special about my setup that would cause these failures and am chalking up to low quality products.

Josip Pilic

Great IEM for the price. Even when used for FPS IEM works as a charm. For this price you can't go wrong and I would recommend them to everybody.

Good attempt, but poor execution of the tuning

I was excited when I heard that Crinacle helped tune these, but sadly they have a very metalic sound to vocals and instruments and the treble sounds quite shimmery. This is actually fixed with an EQ profile that Crinacle provided, but in their stock form, the drivers for the high frequencies was not able to deliver the proper tuning without some EQ after words

Mr. Fox
$30 hi-fi

For the money these are not bad. The stock cable is undesirable. I replaced it with a better cable from KZ, that fixed my stereoscopic noise issues. I like the housing shape, they fit way better than the AS10 and slightly better than the ZAS. The ZEX pro has become my go to work headphones for music and being able to switch to meetings and conference calls. They have more bass than the AS10, but not as much as the ZAS. They are punchier than the AS10 and almost as detailed. The ZEX pro with my cable upgrade are still about half the cost of the ZAS and cheaper than the AS10. I suggest some ear tips, the stock ones are a bit thin and lack isolation in noisy environments.

Love the housing, weird/not entertaining sound

I compared the ZEX Pro with AKG K702/K240 Studio, KZ ZEX (normal version) and KZ ZAS.
DAC I used were Fiio BTR3K and KZ AZ09 Pro.

For the positive things, I love the housing of the KZ ZEX Pro. It's perfectly shaped for my ear, it looks gorgeous (maybe not the biggest fan of this look of the metal plate but the DD needs the extra space) and the nossle has a much better fitting for ear tips.

Sound wise it can deliver good amount of bass. Bit recessive against other KZ but still enough there. The mids could really sound pretty good but there comes my big problem with them.

As treble kicks in the overall sound experience is getting really cheap and washed out. Many details on the treble can't really be represented.

I'm no expert on this topic but I really prefer the normal KZ ZEX. Maybe the graph isn't that flat as the ZEX Pro, but you get a much more entertaining sound out of them. Clarity wise I would say they are about the same ZEX Pro better in mids. Normal ZEX in treble.

Wooowoooowoooo alll aboard!!

Hyping it and hypin it! Yeah, it’s good, but I miss the ass oops bass. Still luv it! Mean there’s an ass, just not quite what I’m used too. Definitely got a boob job though. ;p. The MELE is my big booty baby! This one is worth the dinner.

Worth it

For 35 bucks it is definitely worth it. This is my first items and it's hard to get them into my ear but once I did that, they sound excellent.

Yan Loon Cheng

Lots of sub-bass, detailed bass, and nice treble extension.

The shape of the shells fits very securely, for medium to large ears. Vented so no pressure discomfort on insertion.

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