Neue 6BA Balanced Armatures-Ohrhörer

Wie wir alle wissen, ist KZ ein motivierter Hersteller im Kopfhörerbereich. Jetzt haben sie ihre neuen 6BA-Ohrhörer mit neuen Treiberkonfigurationen. Sie verfügen über 2 30012 Hochfrequenz-BA-Treiber, 2 29689 Mittelfrequenz-BA-Treiber und 2 22955 Niederfrequenz-BA-Treiber. Damit sind sie besser für Popmusik oder Unterhaltungsmusik sowie für Gesang geeignet.

Helle, neutral klingende Ohrhörer

Mit den Treibern erreicht AS12 eine genauere Wiederherstellung und mehr Klangdetails. Es verbessert auch die Empfindlichkeit auf 1 kHz, was etwa 10 dB höher ist als bei herkömmlichen dynamischen Treibern. Die Spitzenfrequenz liegt zwischen 1 k und 10 k, 50 % höher als bei normalen Treibern. Insgesamt schneidet dieses Modell bei instrumentalem Gesang, Klangfeldbereich und Analysefähigkeit besser ab.

Exquisite Handwerkskunst

Die Frontplatte besteht aus einer Zinklegierung, während der Hohlraum aus importiertem Harz besteht. Die beiden unterschiedlichen Materialien bieten nicht nur ein elegantes Aussehen und einen schönen Schimmer, sondern sind auch praktisch und langlebig. Das abnehmbare OFC-2-Pin-Kabel bietet vollständige Aufrüstbarkeit und das Design mit Begrenzungsschlitzschutz verhindert weitgehend, dass der Pin bricht, und verlängert die Lebensdauer der Schnittstelle.

Ergonomisches Design und Geräuschunterdrückung

Die Hohlkammer wird auf Grundlage umfangreicher Daten über die Cochlea hergestellt. Sie ist wissenschaftlich so geformt, dass sie wie maßgeschneiderte Ohrstöpsel in das Ohr passt. Selbst bei intensiver körperlicher Betätigung sitzt sie sicher im Ohr. Auch bei längerem Tragen ist sie bequem. Aufgrund des speziellen Designs der pedalförmigen Hülsen kann sie den Lärm effektiv auf 26 dB isolieren und so ein besseres Musikerlebnis bieten.

Technical Details

Product Name
KZ AS12 In-Ear Earphone
Total 12 balanced armatures, 6BA Per Side
Earphone Sensitivity
Frequency Range
Connector Type
0.75mm 2Pin
Plug Type
3.5mm Straight Plug
Cable Length
Cyan or Black
Whether with mic
OFC Oxygen-free copper cable
Inside the Box
  • 1 x KZ AS12
  • User Manual

30-Day Return Policy

You may return any non-customized product that is still factory sealed, within 30 days upon receiving it. For items that are damaged, incorrect, or faulty upon delivery, Linsoul will assess the issue and provide a solution accordingly.

1 Year Warranty

Most products within our store come with a 1 year warranty. Please check our terms of service to see more.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Further to the last review...


I received contact from LONSOUL after explaining that I was not happy with the quality of the item a day later.

They asked me to post it half way across the globe at my own expense and that they would also charge a 35% restocking fee!

I shall pursue them for the payment as this is clearly not an acceptable response to selling an inferior product - but just be warned they shall likely pull this trick with anyone who is not happy with their item. The is was an online purchase made in the UK, so they are bound by UK distance selling law when trading in this country.

Pro's & Cons

Great packaging, well presented when opened and the high build quality of the units themselves are immediately evident and impressive. The connections are also of a high quality and very secure.
The sound is clear, detailed and has some width.

Unfortunately the rest is negative.. In contrast to the other review, these units do have well separated bass, but it is weak and too far from the rest of the frequency range. The mids also lack presence as a result of the poor balance between mid and bass frequencies (think of recording your voice on a quality microphone, then playing it back on a laptop speaker!). The worse thing of all is the treble though.. it is detailed and accurate, but so bright that it isn't comfortable to listen to for any period of time.

I 'back to back' listened to these with other brands and types of headphones to make sure I was being fair in my assessment. The closest set I have are Shure se535's that I ordered, and unfortunately turned out to be fakes (far too many fakes on the market!) - yet these fake IEM's ironically outperform these AS12 units for sound, and incredibly by a notable margin!

I can state the AS12 build quility is confidence inspiring with no reserve - but this is in no way reflected in the sound. These AS12's shall be returned. There is no circumstance I can imagine where I would reach for these IEM's over anything else available to me.

I shall do some more research, and depending on the efficiency of the returns service, shall try this brand again and see if I can get the sound to match the build quility - if I can I shall be very happy!

Brighter sound, emphasis on mid and high.

I also bought the ZS10 Pro to compare, but much prefer the AS12. The AS12 has a cleaner bass that doesn't bleed into other ranges. It's also clearer in mids to highs. I'm driving this with magni/modi at low gain and no EQ.

For classical AS12 comes out great. It has a solid rich sound that only struggles with strings in the upper register.

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